DATE: October 24, 2017
TIME: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Conference Call 1-866-906-7447
Participant Access Code 8626283
State Transportation Agencies Present:
- Ann Scholz, New Hampshire
- Dale Peabody, Maine
- Emily Parkany, Vermont
- Flavia Pereira, Connecticut
- Jose Lima, Rhode Island
- Michael Sock, Rhode Island
Others Present:
- Chris Jolly, FHWA
- Glenn McRae, NETC
- Jacob Leopold, NETC
- Jo Daniel, UNH
- Maine as Lead State
-Dale Peabody provided an update.-Maine set up a new Pooled Fund; go to Pooled Fund web site []; see 1456 Solicitation # (New England Transportation Consortium VII). Each state should make its financial commitment on the web site to get it set up; Dale spoke with FHWA to answer questions and get waiver letter.-The AC has been meeting separately and working on new SOW for future coordinator contract aligned with this pooled fund. - UVM Staffing for NETC
Glenn McRae (PI) and Jacob Leopold (former NETC manager) discussed how they were working together to update the NETC systems and processes in the absence of Coordinator Julie Dowds, who remains out on medical leave. In addition to bringing the open projects reporting and invoicing up to date (see below) they have been working on updating the website. They will consider hiring in new administrative support depending on Julie Dowds’ return date to maintain continuity and full support of the program. - NETC Website: User Functionality Check-in ( -There was discussion about how to find specific documents and reports on the website.
– A reminder that there is a Search Function available on all pages, except the home page that offers a key word search.
-Dale asked about the location of Project 09-3 UMaine bridge drains, as well as the accompanying poster and summary; the report is complete. It is retrievable under the search function “bridge drains” but there is some break in the architecture that does not have it properly display in reports. The Coordinators will review this. Note: if there are other things missing or hard to find please alert the coordinators.
-Emily asked about posting all the posters and fact sheets in line with the reports. Jacob will be working on a new presentation structure so that the tech transfer resources track with and are readily available alongside the final reports.
-Emily asked about where Policies and Procedures (See Info for PIs) – Suggested that a link be added under ABOUT so that they are more logically accessible to AC.
-Flavia asked about the portability of the website if the coordinator contract moves to a new organization. UVM set up the website on a word press format that can be easily transferred and is not directly tied into the university’s web architecture.
-All members of the AC, along with our university partners are asked to review the web site and identify issues or opportunities that need to be addressed and send them to the Coordinators before the next meeting. We will add an agenda item on the next meeting agenda (set up via webinar) to walk through website with that AC at next meeting – add an extra 30 minutes;
- AV/CV Quick Response Project Emily reported that there was no update, at this time – putting RFP together. A follow-up with the group that met in Sept. is still needed. As we are inventing how to get these new Quick Turnaround projects out fast for speedy response and then implementation, acknowledge that there is a real learning curve. As work continues at a rapid pace externally on AV/CV we want to make sure the project RFP is complimentary to other work going on, adds value (is not just another report), and is specific to New England and our cross-border issues. The I-95 corridor group is having a meeting in Dec. on AV – how does it tie in?-Emily has been in touch with Julia Gold (RIDOT) as a resource on making it meaningful to all six states.-Coordinator will provide Emily with an RFP template to adapt to the quick response format.
- New Research Solicitation Process: Start in November? Everyone agree that they are ready to start the process to solicit research problem statements. Reminder to tap into the subject matter groups identified by members to start soliciting research ideas. UVM to set up request for research problem statements.
- Open Projects (10-19-2017)
In the future, the Coordinator will send notice to AC when a final project report is posted.
Project # and Title | PI, University
AC Liaison |
Update (August) | End Date |
06-04: Preventive Maintenance and Timing of Applications | Mogawer,
UMass Dartmouth C. Franco |
PI is working on the poster and fact sheet. Final report edits finalized. Prepping report for distribution. | Complete |
10-3: Low Temperature and Moisture Susceptibility of RAP Mixtures with Warm Mix Technology | Mogawer,UMass Dartmouth
A. Scholz |
PI is finalizing the report and scheduling a TAC meeting to receive feedback. (Ann checking with Dennis to see if TAC mtg set up& is moving ahead) | 5/31/17 |
13-1: Development of High Early-Strength Concrete for Accelerated Bridge Construction Closure Pour Connections | Brena,UMass Amherst
MassDOT |
No cost extension fully executed between UVM and UMass Amherst. Project ongoing | 12/31/2017
(NCE) |
13-2: HMA Mixtures Containing Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS): Low Temperature and Fatigue Performance of Plant-Produced Mixtures | Mogawer,UMass Dartmouth
A. Scholz |
With the decision to move to lab mixes earlier in the year the project has progressed towards completion. Project team has begun their draft final report for review by TAC and final delivery. | 12/1/17 |
13-3: Improved Regionalization of Quality Assurance (QA) Functions | Dave,UNH
C. Franco |
Working with PI to get final report in NETC format.
Project TAC is beginning to share inspection data. At this time VT, CT, and MA are participating. VT has loaded their 2017 plant inspection data reports. |
4/2/17 (NCE) |
14-1: Measuring the Effectiveness of Competency Models for Job Specific Professional Development of Engineers & Engineering Technicians | Ahmadjian,UMass Amherst
D. Peabody |
Research team has resumed work and is working on Task 3, which requires the development of Transportation Competency Model Framework for implementation at least 1 DOT. Task 4 is said pilot implementation. Need TAC meeting – can Task 4 be completed in time left? Follow up with PI | 12/31/17 (NCE) |
14-2: Investigation of Northern Long-Eared Bat Roosting Sites on Bridges | Civjan,UMass Amherst
D. Peabody |
Final report edits finalized. Prepping report for distribution. Poster and Fact Sheet presented at VTrans research symposium. | 5/31/17
(NCE) |
14-4: Optimizing Future Work Zones in New England for Safety and Mobility | Xie,
UMASS Lowell MassDOT |
Project team purchased eye-tracking but has encountered issues. They are expecting a vendor visit at the end of October to resolve issues so they can begin work with participants. In the interim the team has been summarizing VISSIM documentation and results and developing a custom strategy for work zone control. | 12/31/2017
(NCE Requested) |
15-1: Use of Forested Habitat Adjacent to Highways by Northern Long Ear Bats | Foster, UNH
D. Peabody |
Held kickoff meeting at UNH. TAC pleased with strategy and PI has received some of the audio data needed from states. PI now has dual appointment at UNH and Northern Arizona University. | 11/30/18 |
15-2: Using the New SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Safety Databases to Examine Safety Concerns for Older Drivers | Samuel,UMass Amherst
D. Peabody |
Detailed findings of Lit. review have been finalized as requested/planned by TAC (specifically main stressors of bats). Compilation of data continues (NLEB distribution, and landscape data). | 12/31/18 |
15-3: Moisture Susceptibility Testing for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements in New England | Dave, UNH
D. Peabody |
Sample mixture testing continues, no issues/task completions at this time. | 7/31/18 |
15:4 Optimizing Quality Assurance (QA) Processes for Asphalt Pavement Construction in the Northeast | TBD
A. Scholz |
Still pending completion of 13-3 report. Independent implementation of 13-3 work by TAC may suggest this is ready to be re-evaluated. Ann to check in with TAC for 13-3. | TBD |
- NETC Fund Balance Update (no change)
- FY2016 Fund Balance Transfers – 0.00All previous fund transfers have been completed
- FY2017 Fund Balance Transfers – Decision deferred, but budgeted by each state
- NETC Unallocated Balance as of 8/21/2017 – $139,278.00
- NETC Coordinator funded through 9/1/2018 and limited funding through 2/15/2019 to complete NETC 15 series
2. Other Business
- NETC Advisory Meeting Next Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, November 28th at 11am to 12:30pm
- This meeting will be scheduled for an extra 30 minutes, and set up via webinar to include a website overview agenda item.
- Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at You can also dial in using your phone: United States: +1 (786) 535-3211. Access Code: 329-291-125
- December meeting date has been changed. Delete the currently scheduled meeting on December 26. Change to Tuesday, December 19th at 11am to noon. This meeting will be a regular conference call.
3. Adjourn