NETC Advisory Committee Meeting
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Conference Call: Dial-in 1-866-906-7447, Participant Code: 8626283
Draft Agenda and Documents
Below are links to documents that will be discussed during the meeting. (starred* documents require Advisory Committee approval)
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
NETC Adv Comm Mtg May 18, 2015 Draft Minutes*
3. NETC No-Cost-Extension for UVM Coordinator’s Contract
4. NETC Coordinator RFP
5. Request for Technical Committee Names for 2015 Research Projects
- NETC 15-1 “Use of Forested Habitat Adjacent to Highways by Northern Long Ear Bats”
- NETC 15-2 “Using the New SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Safety Databases to Examine Safety Concerns for Teens and Older Drivers”
- NETC 15-3 “Moisture Susceptibility Testing for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements in New England”
- NETC 15-4 “Optimizing Quality Assurance (QA) Process for Asphalt Pavement Construction in the Northeast”
6. Policy Committee Approval for 2015 Research Program
7. Open Project Summary 6-22-15
- NETC 06-4, 10-3, 13-2 – Bill Ahern to follow-up with PI regarding progress delays
- NETC 07-1 – Question regarding PI sabbatical impact on project schedule
- NETC 09-3 – NETC 09-3 NoCostExtension Request. New End Date: 12/31/15 *
- NETC 14-1 Contract Execution Complete
- NETC 14-4 Notice of Award issued to Yuanchang Xie, UMASS Lowell. Contract execution in progress.
- Discussion item: AC involvement in redistribution of project budgets
- Update on SPR-3(089) – ME funds to be transferred
- Update on TPF-5(201)
- 2015 Contributions
9. Open Ballots:
- NETC Policies and Procedures Revisions (ballots needed from CT, MA)*
10. Peer Review of Dr. Azari’s research
11. Other Business
- New England Materials and Engineers Meeting – June 3rd
- PI Performance Evaluation Form Draft
12. General Updates and Reminders
- Update on Action Items
- Reminder to send any implementation of NETC research to
- NETC 05-2 Reimbursement
13. Adjourn
Next Meeting – July 28, 2015, 11 AM – 12 PM